Encouraging Notes

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Have you ever found yourself trying to live in God's ways and it seemed as if you always fell short and therefore felt a sense of condemnation? In Romans 10, apostle Paul addresses his love for the people of Israel and comments on their misdirected zeal. Many times we are trying to do what God has already done. Check this Scripture out…

Romans 10:4 For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.
John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Christianity is the only religion of the world that does not base it's "better hereafter" on man doing good enough works to deserve it. According to the word of God, the only way to be made right with God is to believe! No personal effort or work of the flesh will ever accomplish the righteous life God requires! Only surrendering to and sincerely believing the good news of Christ gives you right standing with God! This life alone gives you the power to live in the new nature, free from the law and abounding in God’s righteous ways! Living in the new nature is living free from the law through the power of the new covenant which is love.

John 2:10 Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.

The closer we get to God the more we live in his unfailing love. This gives us the power to fulfill all the commandments, walking in God's righteousness! This is an act of God, not an act of the flesh! This is the supernatural life of God and his love and is profoundly wonderful! Come on, lets fully surrender to God’s amazing life! You can be sure, there is...