Encouraging Notes

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The third characteristic of a dreamer is the ability to see the unseen, this is what we call vision. Every great accomplishment in life, from a grand palace to a magnificent painting, was first conceived in the mind of a man. Vision is the ability to see something on the inside that drives you to do great things on the outside! You have to see something on the inside before you can ever obtain it on the outside. This is why prayer and meditation upon the things of God are absolutely indispensable! Everything that is great will be received and manifest in the quietness of your soul, during those moments of intimacy with God.

I am always inspired and challenged by the fact that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray. Luke 5:16 The word of God tells us that God calls those things that are not as though they already were. Rom 4:17 A life of prayer and intimacy with God will cause you to see things that are not as though they already were, this is vision. Proverbs 29:18 says," where there is no vision, the people perish." The Hebrew word for “perish" means to have no restraint or discipline in life. Vision is what causes a person to be energized for a task.

It is crucial for us to pray and ask God for what his purpose for us is. Once we know God's purpose for us, we must keep that vision before us every single day! The habit of keeping that vision before you every day will be the secret to a life of success and significance!

Do you have a dream for your life? What is it? Take the time to date yourself—know who you are. Take time to hear God’s precious thoughts regarding you and his wonderful plan for your future. Take time to find out the vision for your life because vision is…