Encouraging Notes

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We often talk about God's ability to use anything for his purpose i.e. the rocks praising him (Lk 19:40) – the trees of the field clapping their hands to him (Isa 55:12) – a donkey rebuking a prophet (2Pet 2:16) etc. But God has used even more unusual things… Take a look at this.

As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, andall of themwere healed.Acts 5:15, 16

Wow! Can you imagine the excitement of those experiencing the glory of God during this time? In light of this, here is a powerful thought for you to consider – God has a shadow! 

Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty." 

If Peter's shadow could heal, can you imagine what the shadow of Almighty God could do for you if you would live in that secret place of faith and unity with Him? Peter had a real encounter with the power and presence of God, and as a result, even his shadow was filled with a power that was strong enough to heal all who came in contact with it. 

I often contend for this premise for life: “What we behold is what we will become!” There is no substitute for quiet, unhindered, soaking time in the presence of the Lord! These precious moments are where God fills us with His supernatural power and glory! We are in the last days, and it is time for us to encounter the living God so that he can, as he did through Peter, manifest his love to the world through us!   

All around you are those who desperately need a touch from God! Now is the time! The season for God’s glory to be revealed is upon us! I am praying for you today and declaring over your life that you are one through whom the world can experience the reality of our loving God! Because of your intimacy with God, heaven’s glory will be released and people will, indeed, experience…


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