Have you ever felt like you have heard about God's grace a lot but still seem like you are missing out on all that you should have? Have you felt like you are also in a process of discovery that is taking much longer than you had hoped? Don’t feel bad – many of us have felt the same way and even the father of our faith, Abraham, had a process of discovery to understand it himself. Take a look at this…
Romans 4:1-3 1 What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about--but not before God. 3 What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”
To step into the secret discovery Abraham received, we must learn that our righteous acts cannot make us right with God or give us the kind of amazing life God longs for us to have. The sooner we let go of anything we can do to deserve or please God and instead, receive his provision through Christ Jesus, the sooner we will live in the discovery that our forefather Abraham tapped into.
The most difficult, yet most simple thing you will ever do is to let go of your righteousness to receive your perfect standing with God through Jesus. Receiving God's abundant grace is often the most difficult for those who have a lot of knowledge or have super willpower. Because it has been so ingrained in us to live by works, only a humble, childlike heart will be able to believe and step into this extraordinary freedom.
The good news of Jesus Christ is only good news to those who are humble and childlike enough to receive it. I believe that today is your day for a breakthrough! I believe that as you read this, God is empowering you with the seed of his truth to let go and experience Abraham’s...