Encouraging Notes

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I spent some time in Mexico recently, and I really had a blast! Blast - what do we mean when we say that? Well, what I mean is that I really had a great time! It seems funny how, in our English language, we use words to mean so many different things. 

What’s on my heart today is another kind of “blast” that will come upon the earth and the universe as we know it. We think that our nuclear bombs are powerful, but they pale in comparison to the day when the universe will get blasted. It will be bad for the devil and those who are his, but so wonderful for us! In the following Scripture, Peter describes what is getting ready to take place."But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming." 2 Peter 3:10-12

We are in the last days, and God is fixing to unveil his end-time plan and bring about a forever ecstasy for us with him! I promise you – we are going to have a blast! No vacation, not anything on this earth, can compare to how wonderful it will be to live forever in the loving embrace of the God who spoke the world into existence. Yes, we will live in his arms of love forever and ever! 

You might be asking, “how do I prepare for something like that?” Preparation is all about growing in what you believe! You must humbly receive God’s provision for your righteousness through the blood of Jesus. You must be willing to relinquish all self-effort to be righteous in God’s sight and wholeheartedly accept your perfect standing (present tense) with God as provided through Christ!

The enemy of your soul is doing everything he can to keep you persuaded of your inferior identity wrapped up in the do-it-yourself tree and the law of performance. This is why Jesus said that we must come to him like a little child if we are going to enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3 Don’t let the contradictions of your past or present become the reference for your future! Jesus is now the reference for your future! When God looks at you, he sees Jesus! Jesus is now the definition of who you are! This is God’s free gift to you!

Oh! Oh! Oh! My Lord! How beautiful! Yes! Today is your day to live as one who is loved, adored and completely righteous in the sight of God! As you meditate upon this truth, your life will become a more and more clear reflection of who God is! Don’t try to become a great reflection of God by human effort! This will only take you farther away from God! Instead, meditate on who he says you already are by his grace! 

Make no mistake – our forever with Jesus is just around the bend! Are you ready? Are you trusting God with simple, childlike faith? You and I are getting ready to be loved in ways we’ve never dreamed or imagined! I promise you this, in more ways than one…


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