Encouraging Notes

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It is one thing to not be afraid and, yet, another thing to be audaciously bold. You cannot read the Old Testament without concluding that God expected his people to believe him enough to launch out into humanly impossible missions without fear! Probably one of the most well-known examples of this is David and Goliath. An unsuspecting bystander could have easily surmised that David was one of three things: 1. He was out of his mind. 2. He wanted to commit suicide. 3, He knew something that nobody else knew. 

If there was anyone among the Israelites soldiers and leaders who concluded number three, the Bible doesn’t tell us about it. According to the Bible, all of them were terrified except David. Indeed, he not only went to meet the giant, he ran to meet the giant. Wow! - fearless, audacious faith! Do you think that during these tumultuous and crazy times that God wants you to have the same faith? I believe you know the answer! Think about this: Though the children of Israel could have been in the promise land within a month of leaving Egypt, they ended up staying there 40 years, and all those 20 years and older at the time of the spying out of the land died in the desert because they refused to walk by faith. Approximately 40 years later God admonished the new leader, Joshua, with the following words:

Deuteronomy 31:6 So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid, and do not panic before them. For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

Do you know that God is personally going before you in your life? As with the children of Israel, God’s hands are tied unless we choose to believe him. Though God is everywhere present and will never leave us, our faith is what taps us into his supernatural empowerment. Upon what grounds should you believe God? Because he is faithful, stable, perfect, just, and upright!

Deuteronomy 32:3-4 I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

Under the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites went in and conquered the land, defeating all the giants that terrified and immobilized the previous generation. Why? Because they believed God! 

As the world reels like a drunken sailor because of COVID 19 and its ramifications, God is calling his children to arise and possess the promise land! Many stand on the precipice of the great divide between believing God or living for self. They are living on the fence, and it’s our time to rise up and help them over the edge into the wonderful news of God’s unparalleled love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ!

Are you in? Are you all in? Are you ready to face the giants? Are you willing to believe God through your own trials and tribulations? Oh, yes! When you genuinely believe God, people will think that either your crazy, suicidal or you really know something that they don’t know – they are curious!! Today is your day to give to them the precious treasure of what they don’t yet know! Yes, yes, yes! Today is your day to be…


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