Encouraging Notes

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Yesterday we discussed Romans 5:1, which says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, therefore, do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Based on that Scripture, we made the assertion that Christ has (past tense) set us free. So, we asked this question. If I am still dealing with fear and don’t feel free, how could the Bible possibly say that Christ has (past tense) set us free? 

So, let me ask you this question. Is it possible for a person to have significant wealth in the bank account yet still live like a pauper? The answer is yes. Is it possible to have a wonderful gift given to you that you have never opened? Even though God has given us the gift of complete freedom and perfect standing in his sight, does not mean that we have opened the gift or used it. This is why the Bible says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, for those who come to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 God’s greatest longing and desire is to bless you with the very life that he lives in, a life that is free from fear, condemnation, shame, and failure, a life that is filled with love, joy, peace, and hope! The spiritual realities that are ours in Christ are not accessed by human effort but rather by faith! It is one thing for a person to say they believe in something and a very different thing actually to believe, rely upon, and live by what they say they believe in. 

When it comes to spiritual realities, faith is what opens the gifts that God has given to us. It is not about having faith at one point and then continuing on with life. Instead, it is living by faith in the reality of God at every moment. A life that is filled with the glorious realities of heaven is not a life that comes to God here and there, or even daily, but rather a life whose existence is not a possibility without God. A person who visits God only on a regular basis will never experience the realities that I’m talking about. It is only the person who abides in the nourishment that comes from the truth and presence of God that will step into that reality. 

You may be asking, but how is that possible? Is it truly a reality for a person to live inside the spiritual realities of God all the time? The answer is yes! As a matter of fact, only those who continuously live in the spiritual realities of Christ can experience and produce the fruit of heaven. Tomorrow we will begin breaking down the principles that will empower you to live your minute by minute and second by second life inside heaven’s life right here on earth! 

My dearest partner in Christ, God has made a way for you and me to not only win in life but to live as more than conquerors! God’s abundant life is available, and by God’s grace and through these Encouraging Notes, you will step into the revelation and reality of God’s wonderful plan for your life! It is your season for breakthrough! Now is your time to step into a life that is… 


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