Encouraging Notes

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Your Closest Friends

Who are your closest friends? Who do you hang with? Every great accomplishment is based on great teamwork and great relationships! From a successful company to a thriving church, to a close-knit family, unity and great relationships are, and will continue to be, the earmark! You can be confident that the people you surround yourself with will be the key to how far your life can go.

The word relationship speaks of legacy. Your relationships determine what you will pass on to the world. Who will you partner with to make a difference in this world? The answer to this question is of the highest importance and declares your life’s legacy.

We must constantly be reminded of the fact that our input determines the output of our life. Therefore, surrounding yourself with those who are making a positive impact on this world is paramount. There are many excellent books and many great people, but there is no book like the Bible and no one like our God! If you are going to start changing your input, begin with the word of God! It is the DNA and the genetic codes of God himself! Make sure that whatever you put in your eyes and ears and who you spend a lot of time with closely line up with God and his word!

A life of success comes from having the right daily habits and rituals! A more excellent life requires more excellent habits! The price of your future is your present. In other words, what you do today will determine your tomorrow. For your life to change, your habits will need to change. There is no better time than right now to begin those successful habits that will lead you towards the meaningful life God has for you! Remember, what you think about the most is where you’re heading in life!

Are you making a habit of spending time with those who are going in the direction you want to go? Those you spend the most time with will have the most significant impact on your thought life and, therefore, the prosperity and legacy of your life. Someone once said, “show me your five closest friends, and I will show you your future.” Are you carefully choosing those you are the closest to? Without a doubt, your relationships are critical to your future and the legacy that you will leave. Allowing God to be your senior partner in life will give you the wisdom to choose the right people to connect with so that you can leave an unforgettable legacy!

It’s a new year, and it’s time for a brand-new start! I pray that you will prayerfully consider the powerful truths found in this Encouraging Note and that you will determine now to carefully choose…

Your Closest Friends