Encouraging Notes

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You Will See It

A dream or vision for your life is something you receive from God on the inside. When it comes to fulfilling the purpose for your life, a mere good idea is not good enough; it must be a dream or vision that God has unveiled to your heart. In the Bible, God often revealed his will through dreams and visions. The whole idea of God speaking to us through dreams is so interesting! Because of the power that dreaming can produce is why I believe Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened down, and I will give you rest.” Mat 11:28 You see, you can never dream until you sleep, and you can never sleep until you rest.

The more scientists study sleep, the more they say that it is one of the most essential things in life. According to recent research, not getting enough quality sleep is related to many illnesses, emotional problems, car wrecks, bad business decisions, and even divorce. Besides all of that, being tired is a vision and dream killer. Many want to do great things but are so exhausted, physically and emotionally, that letting their mind think of a future of doing great things seems overwhelming.

The most significant achievements of all time were first an image or picture in someone’s mind; then, that image or picture was meditated upon until action brought it into the physical world. This concept was how Michael Angelo, Abraham, and countless others stepped into their destiny.

Genesis 15:4-6 Then the word of the Lord came to him (Abraham): “This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir. ” He took him outside and said, “Look up at the heavens and count the stars –if indeed you can count them. ” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be. ”  Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

God gave Abraham something he could meditate on every day – the stars. Every time Abraham looked at the stars, he would envision the generations of people who would follow him and be called by his name. God gave Abraham something to look at every day because no vision or dream is permanent; it must be meditated upon daily. Whatever is not meditated upon daily will eventually be lost. John Maxwell says that the secret to your future is hidden within your daily routine. Just as Abraham needed to meditate daily on what God had spoken to him, so, you need to meditate on what God has said to you.

There are two types of dreaming – spiritual and physical. Dreaming is precious because it has the power to give you both mental and physical energy. But, as I said earlier, you can never dream until you sleep, and you can never sleep until you rest. Resting your mind through trusting in God’s love for you is the springboard for knowing the next step for your life. It is interesting that some of the greatest inventions and business ideas of all time were conceived out on a lonely, leisurely walk or during times of solitude and relaxation. These times are launching pads because it allows the mind to rest. This is why Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray. Luke 5:16

Trusting in and meditating upon the truth of God’s love for you is a prerequisite to knowing and fulfilling God’s dream for your life! A dream from heaven does not only bring success; it brings significance! Life becomes very exciting and rewarding when you live each day inspired by the dream God has given you! It is not about having some colossal dream but rather knowing what God wants you to be doing right now.

Please don’t forget this most essential point; dreams come from sleep, and sleep comes from resting. Because of the blood of Jesus, God has declared you perfect in his sight but only believing it taps you into its power. Trying to be good enough to deserve God destroys rest and crushes the dream of God for your life. You must know that God is in love with you because that is where true rest comes from!

My dearest friend, God is all-powerful and is ready to fulfill his mighty plan in and through you! As I pray for you today, I am asking God to empower you to rest in him as never before! May you know how precious and valuable you are to God today! May you rest in the fact that he has a great plan for you and that his plan will succeed as you trust him.

I am convinced that resting in God is the key to unlocking the great future God has for you! As you rest, you will dream, and as you dream…

You Will See It