Encouraging Notes

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You Can Have It All

If you could have anything you desired, what would you choose? Maybe the real question is, what fulfills you – what makes you happy – what gives you real meaning? I believe the most profound need of humanity is the need to be loved.

Consider this; what if there was someone who could love you completely, provide you with everything that you need, fulfill the deepest longings and emotions of your heart, and at the same time give you the power to fulfill the purpose for your existence? What if this person could not only give you all of that but, even more, an eternity filled with ecstasy and unimaginable bliss? Does it sound unbelievable? Are you able to wrap your mind around such a thing? Do you want to know what is crazy?… This is precisely what God has offered. 

Eph 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.

1Cor 2:9 However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.

Wow! What God has for you is beyond what you can even imagine! So, this begs the question – how do I step into this kind of life? The answer is contained in the word believe. Only faith can tap us into all that God has for us. No amount of going through spiritual calisthenics can produce this kind of life! Going to church, reading your Bible, and praying are all crucial, but only faith can open the door to the blessing of all that God desires to give us.

What is believing, and how do I believe? Apostle Paul taught us that “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 Faith is the result of hearing the Holy Spirit as he reveals the truth of God’s word to you. Often people read the Bible and pray only to discharge a spiritual duty. That kind of Bible reading and prayer cannot produce faith. Therefore when the Holy Spirit speaks, we must, with a humble heart, fully receive and rest upon what he has said. Faith is not only what you know to be true but is the reality upon which you have based your entire existence. Therefore, faith is the viewpoint from which you live life.

So here’s the question; what are you convinced of? How do you look at life? Do you believe that everything is going to work out for your good because the word of God says so (Romans 2:28)? Do you live your life fearless because you know God is on your side (Romans 8:31-32)? Do you feel loved because you know the creator of the universe is passionately in love with you (John 3:16)? The answer to these questions declares your level of faith.

Maybe you would say, I am not all there yet. And I would say to you, join the club! We are all in a process and growing day by day. This is why today is so important! Today is your opportunity to live God’s life! You can take this day by storm and press into the mindset where Jesus is Lord over every area of your life!

God longs for you to believe him because he longs to bless you! As I often say, “This is not something you can work up – it must be soaked up!” But, understand, soaking God requires effort. What? I thought you said we are supposed to rest. Yes! Rest is the byproduct of taking captive every thought and bringing them into subjection to what God has declared about you. In other words, living by faith is a choice to live with your mind stayed upon the reality of you being passionately loved – perfectly righteous and at peace with God! When you believe this, you will know that God is making a way for you in every area of your life, and you will be at rest!

Today God is longing for you to humbly receive his love, forgiveness, and grace because doing so is the beginning of prosperity in every area of your life; mentally, socially, physically, spiritually, and financially! God is the source of all life and the greatest friend you will ever know! God is passionate about spending eternity lavishing his love and blessing on you! Today I am praying that you will hold fast to this most amazing truth – with God…

You Can Have It All