Encouraging Notes

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I Would Love a Kiss

God is the one who thought up hugging, kissing, and intimacy – not Hollywood. He longs for us with a beautiful and passionate heart of love! The more a person is intimate with God, the more he understands this profound concept!

Those who are intimate with God often experience an indescribable, gut-wrenching longing and passion for God. It is almost painful, but a pain so beautiful that you would wish it never to be healed!

Within every person is a knowing that God is real. The closer we get to him, the more the passion for a deeper relationship with him increases! When a person feels like this, there is nothing in this world that can satisfy them. At this point, they have tasted and seen too much – it’s too good! Even a slight touch from God is overwhelming and leaves the worshiper hanging, wanting more. After moments like this, we will find ourselves on our knees saying, “Oh God, Please! Can I, once more, experience the precious kiss of your presence.” As I ponder this, an old Hymn comes to mind.

Fill my cup Lord; I lift it up, Lord. Come and quench this thirsting of my soul

Bread of heaven feed me till I want no more,  fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

When you are spending time with God, and he touches you, it’s as if God is kissing you. The psalmist wrote, “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.”  Psalm 85:10

King David experienced the wonder of God’s presence and said, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” Psalms 63:3  King David deemed the love of God as better than life itself. How true this is! Nothing can compare!

This kind of awe-inspiring experience is available to those who will worship God and pursue his heart! Many times, during those moments of intimacy with God, it is as if the very presence of God is overwhelming you with love! Oh, my friend, there is a desperate longing in my heart for more of him – SOOOOO much more!!!!! I’m sure you feel the same as me – that is why you are reading this Encouraging Note today.

You may be asking, “what should I do – how can I get close to God?” Apostle James admonishes us by saying, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8 One of the most important keys I’ve learned about being intimate with God is recognizing the unseen. Experiencing God requires that you recognize that he is everywhere present.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

God is with you and within you! Recognizing his reality is key to your spiritual life! We live in a natural world, and most do not realize that a spiritual world runs it. God is so profoundly involved with everything in the entire universe that nothing lives, moves or has its breath without him.

God is in love with you and desperately wants you to know it. Through Jesus, he has paid for all your sin and failure – he has removed the barrier between him and you! At this very moment, God declares you as righteous – as righteous as Jesus Christ! Yes, God longs for you to accept this truth and live in its power and freedom.

My dearest friend, there has never been a better or more important time to draw near to God! Your day is today! Your opportunity is now! Accept his reality all around you and within you! Draw near to him! Be vulnerable –open up your heart and say to him, Father,…

I Would Love A Kiss