Our Purpose

To inspire people to realize all they were created to be by connecting them to the encouraging, life-giving secrets found in God’s amazing love and grace.


Intimately knowing the eternal love that produces the wonderful life of God is monumental! I have been a senior pastor, worship leader, and counselor for more than 22 years. My ministry in America and other places across the world has led me to be fully convinced that our greatest need on planet earth is a revelation of God’s love and grace! Somebody once said, “Love is what makes the world go round.” How true this is! People are desperate to know the kind of love that produces real life!
The sole purpose of Encouraging Notes is to inspire people to understand and receive God’s amazing love and grace! If you have a longing to have an intimate relationship with God, Encouraging Notes is for you! Because of the power within the revelation of God’s love, Encouraging Notes will propel you towards genuine purpose, success, and significance!
I believe that these Free, Encouraging, Life-Giving Daily Notes will inspire you to achieve the wholeness, happiness, and abundant life God longs for you to have! I pray that you will take the time to join the Encouraging Notes Family because it’s your time to win!

Arthur Wilder