Encouraging Notes

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Have you ever had an amazing day? What do you deem as an amazing day? The prophet Samuel, when he was a boy, had one of those amazing days. As a little boy, Samuel spent his life serving in the temple of God; he was obedient, even though he did not yet know God. Because of his obedience to serve God faithfully, even when it didn’t always make sense, an appointed day, designed by God, came about and Samuel began to hear the very word of heaven.  

1 Sam 3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.

Many people don’t yet know the voice of God. Though God is always speaking, many are not hearing his voice. God longs for you to experience the wonder of his words being revealed to you. Choosing to obey God even when you don't understand can bring very great rewards. Read the first three chapters of First Samuel...Let God speak… God has an amazing day planned for you! I pray that you are preparing yourself because it’s time for…