Encouraging Notes

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The word “manifest" means to be made known or revealed. God longs to make himself known to us, but it does not happen by accident. Through obedience and surrender, the boy, Samuel, tapped into the manifestation of God himself through the spoken word of God.  Wow! Take a look...  

1 Sam 3:20-21 And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the Lord. The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word. 

God spoke words to Samuel and through those words, Samuel began to be intimate with God. Wow! How I long for more and more of that! I am desperate to know him! It is the word of God that reveals God. The word of God is the DNA and genetic codes of God. Inside the word of God is the full manifestation of all God is. 

What an amazing privilege you and I have to be able to pour the life-giving force of God into us through his word. Today is your day to be filled with God's word; may you humbly and intently accept it! May God be manifest to you! With wings of faith, may you soar on the wind of God's presence revealed through his word! YEAH! To you, may God be...