When we entertain special guests at our house, we make sure that our house-keeping is excellent and everything is tidy. Do you know, as a born-again believer, you are God's house? Look at this scripture:
Hebrews 3:6 But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s entire house. And we are God’s house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ. (NLT)
Full surrender to the love of God as displayed in the cross and the blood of Jesus is the determining factor whether or not we are God's house. The only way to keep your house clean is to confidently hold fast to the grace and love of God found in the gospel. Remember, “It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Phil 2:13)If it is going to get done, it will be God who does it through you! This takes all the pressure off of you! Hallelujah!
May today be your day to hold confidently to the truth of God and his love through Jesus Christ! May your house be kept tidy as you trust God completely! Always keep this simple but powerful truth in mind, you are…