Have you ever wondered why Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray? If it was important for Jesus to pray, what about me, what about you? Prayer was not a religious duty for Jesus but rather an opportunity for intimacy and power.
In the ninth chapter of Mark, a demon that had overcome a little boy was throwing him into water or fire trying to destroy him. The disciples could not cast the devil out of him, and the father of the boy was desperate for help! The father came trembling to Jesus and in desperation asked for his help. After a few moments, the demon was cast out and the boy was completely free and healed! Later, the disciples were confused and asked Jesus why they were not able to cast out the devil and Jesus replied to them by saying, “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29)
Know this, some things will never happen until you pray. Apostle Peter gave us this admonition: The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. (1Pet 4:7) When I was a kid, we used to sing a song that said, “Why worry when you can pray, trust Jesus He'll be your stay. Don't be a doubting Thomas, trust fully in His promise Why worry, worry, worry when you can pray.
It seems like we are quick to try hard but slow to pray. There is story after story in the Bible of those who prayed and received life-altering answers. Why was it that prayer was always the key that tapped them into the necessary help or breakthrough that they needed?
It is so easy to trust in ourselves rather than trust in God. If this world is going to experience the goodness and love of God, it will happen through those who shook the heavenly’s through prayer! I’m praying for you today!... May you be a person who unleashes the glory of heaven by the power of prayer! It is truly time! The world is longing for the display of the God that lives inside of you! I pray that this Encouraging Note will stir your heart today to consider this question…
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