Words fail to describe the yearning for God that often wells up inside of me! At the deepest part of me, there is a passion, a gut wrenching longing for more of him! When a person feels like this, there is nothing in this world can satisfy. At this point, you’ve tasted and seen too much – it’s too good! Sometimes a little touch from God can almost seem to leave me hanging, wanting more. On my knees I’m saying, "Oh God Please! Can I, once more, experience the precious kiss of your presence." As I ponder this, an old Hymn comes to mind. 

Fill my cup Lord; I lift it up, Lord 

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul 

Bread of heaven feed me till I want no more 

Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole 

A touch from heaven during your moments with God is as if God is kissing you. The psalmist wrote, “Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Psalm 85:10 (NIV) 

King David said in Psalms 63, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” King David deemed the love of God as better than life itself. How true this is! Nothing can compare! Awe-inspiring experiences, like King David is speaking of, happen when you are in the place of worship, pursuing intimacy with God! Many times, it is as if the very presence of God is kissing you! I don't know about you, but I want and need more! SOOOOO much more!!!!! I’m sure you feel the same as me – that is why you are reading this Encouraging Note today. 

You may be asking, “What should I do? How can I get close to God?” Apostle James admonishes us by saying, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8 One of the most important keys I’ve learned about being intimate with God is recognizing the unseen. His presence is all around me and in me. We live in a natural world, and most do not realize that a spiritual world runs it. One of the secrets to intimacy with God is recognizing that he is there. He is everywhere – in and all-consuming way. Nothing lives, moves or has breath without him. 

He is in love with you and desperately wants you to know it. Through Jesus he has paid for all your sin and failure. He now declares you righteous and is longing for you to receive it. Oh, dear one, there has never been a better or more important time to draw near to God! Your day is today! Your opportunity is now! Believe in his reality all around you and in you! Draw near to him! Be vulnerable. Open up your heart and say… 


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Arthur Wilder