A hilarious event took place when I was 12 years old. At that time, I was very naïve about many matters, especially the matter of circumcision. In spite of my ignorance, I convinced my whole family to sit down while I preached to them about this profound topic. Though I had no idea whatsoever what circumcision meant, I proceeded to teach them about its importance. There were a lot of smirks going on in the room and later a roar of laughter. Little did I know at that time how essential this idea of circumcision was!

In the Bible, the flesh is depicted as the part of us the devil uses to get us off track and into an existence that does not experience God's abundant life. Trying to restrain the flesh is like trying to restrain the wind. The more we try, the more we find ourselves becoming graphically disappointed in our failings.

In the Bible, they would circumcise (the cutting away of the flesh of the life-producing part of a male child) on the eighth day. Later,the eighth day was proven to be the best day because of the baby's production of vitamin K and his yet undeveloped nerve endings.The eighth day in the word of God speaks of "New Beginnings." Circumcision also speaks of "New Beginnings." During Bible times, only the Jews were circumcised because it was an outward declaration that they were God’s chosen people – those who lived in the binding covenant with the God of the universe. The Jews were and are God's chosen people, but now a new standard from God has been revealed.

Romans 2:28-29 A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God.

Stepping into God's family is not something we try hard to do; it is an act of God within us that is received by faith. You cannot subdue your fleshly nature enough to come to God; this is a supernatural work of God done by Jesus Christ at the cross! Those whose eyes are opened to what Christ did at the cross through the shedding of his blood to give them righteousness, will experience a New Beginning in their life! Circumcision happens to a person when they choose to believe what God has done for them. It is no longer about an outward circumcision but rather a circumcision of the heart that taps them into the grace (unearned, undeserved favor and power) of God. This act of faith grants a right standing with God and the ability to live free from the bondage of fleshly ways.

Today is your day and now is the time to have a new beginning! I am praying for you today – I am praying that you will receive the truth regarding the abundant provision of righteousness granted to you through the blood of Jesus! I am praying that today will mark a new beginning for you! I believe that God is using this Encouraging Note to spark something brand-new inside of you! Oh yes! The lights are coming on, and you are stepping into a new way of living through the revelation of…


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Arthur Wilder