Encouraging Notes

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The kingdom of God is the opposite of the kingdom of Satan. Satan's kingdom declares "Do what thou wilt"… Meaning, do whatever you feel like, whatever will exalt self and empower self. God's kingdom calls us to a low place – to humble ourselves and be a servant. Servants or slaves are the ones who take the lowest job for the sake of those they are serving. Many people feel they are above such a place, but according to the Master, this is where true exaltation comes from. Listen to Jesus words…

Luke 14:11  For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” 

Matthew 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant. 

Proof of a life of humility is not looking down on myself but instead focusing on lifting others up. Humility causes us to be so caught up with others that we are not in the equation of life, other than, being the vessel through which servant hood happens. The person who is truly great, is the person who is always serving others! The more I serve my wife and family, the more I become great in their eyes. Even Jesus, who was the greatest of all, did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many! Mk 10:45 May you have his attitude today! He didn’t come here for himself, but rather for you and I! The love of God compelled him to serve us even to the giving away of his very life for us. The love of God should also drive us to serve and give our life away. Because of his humility, Jesus is now seated at the highest place of honor, the right hand of the throne of God! To be great, we must become like Jesus, the servant of all! (Lk 22:26)  The way up is the way down!  I want this truth embedded in my heart… To truly go high, I must go low and…