A life of freedom is a matter of choice, not luck. Because of the law, our self-righteous, old nature pressures us to hide areas of failure and pain. But hiding only increases the likelihood of hurt and shame to continue its destructive path. The truth and love of God inspires us to trust Him enough to face our issues so that we can be set free. Concealed sin is cancer and will eventually cause death.

On the other hand, a clear conscience is when you can look at God or anyone in your life and truthfully say, “As far as I know, I have not sinned against you without confessing it and making it right.”  May you choose a clear conscience…God is with you…Your life depends on it!

1 Timothy 1:19   Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked. (NLT)

Don't allow the ugly things of the past to keep you from the blessing of God for your future! God is here to help you clear things up! Go ahead and get ahold that person(s) you have wronged; confess and make those things right! Know this, a clear conscience causes you to hear from God in a new dimension, giving you the direction and clarity to move into the great things he has in store for you! I believe the goodness of God is wooing someone today. God’s heart is to bless you in every way possible! Your best life is ahead of you, and it will be accessed when you…


Arthur Wilder