How many times have I talked the talk but when it came to doing… I fell short. It is easier said than done! … Right? Only a very close relationship with God that comes from receiving his love and grace can produce the real life of God through us. Peter really thought that he would never deny Jesus. I believe his motives were pure but he did not truly know himself. 

Matthew 26:34-35 “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same. 

Here is a provocative thought: Peter was close enough to Jesus that he knew about God, but far enough away from Jesus that he was not willing to be associated with Jesus during the time testing. Wow! How close are you to Jesus? A life of absolute surrender to God and his amazing grace is what it takes to stay strong during the time of testing. A life that never leaves the internal meditation and cognizance of God's love and grace is the life that is full of passion and determination! Throwing everything that you are into truly trusting and believing in the grace of God and his love for you, is the only thing that truly works! We must relinquish all trust in self, and fully give ourselves over to trusting God! Why? Because… 


Arthur Wilder