Often people make goals but are not able to reach them. Why is that? Is it because they’re lazy? Is it because they don’t really care? I don’t believe those are the correct answers to the dilemma. The word of God tells us, “Without a vision, the people have no discipline.” Proverbs 29:18 Only when a person can see themselves as successful will the outcome of their life breed success.

I believe that one of the best ways to begin to see yourself as a success is to create very small habits in the right direction. If you can be consistent with something very small, it will begin to make you feel like you are that person. The more votes you get in the right direction the more you identify yourself as that person. As an example, if you have not been consistent at the gym, make a choice to go to the gym religiously but in the beginning, only allow yourself to spend 10 minutes each time. The more times you do it, the more you will see yourself as one who consistently goes to the gym. You can always upgrade and increase your time but first, you must establish your identity as one who consistently goes to the gym. Often, when people begin working out at the gym, they work out so hard and so long that they begin to dread the next time they have to go. This will never create a positive lifestyle. Creating a habit of being at the gym consistently and doing a little is far more beneficial than doing a whole bunch at the beginning but quitting.

Listen to Jesus’ words. “His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.'” Matthew 25:23

Internal inspiration is the motivation that causes external acceleration. If you can see it on the inside, it will propel you to achieve it on the outside. This is why daily prayer and meditation in God’s truth is so essential! Choosing to create habits that become your lifestyle will determine how much external acceleration you experience! It all comes down to who you see yourself as – your identity! Are you that person who is consistent with your exercise? Are you that person who is consistent in your prayer and meditation in God’s word? Are you that person who is consistent with your eating habits? Little consistent steps in the right direction will create a new you because…


Arthur Wilder