Many who claim to be followers of Christ have not yet really understood the Gospel and therefore live in constant defeat. Many are snared by the deceitful lusts of this world and are confused by why fear, worry, anxiety, depression, bitterness, anger, and the like seem to rule them. Without the understanding of God’s provision through Jesus Christ, they get trampled by worldly lusts that bring them into dungeons of graphic disappointment. They cannot find true fulfillment because their hope is based on something that will only fail them. Solomon said, “Their worldliness will destroy them for they will eat the fruit of their own ways.” Prov 1:29-33  

In this season, it is of utmost importance to PAY ATTENTION to the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit, calling you into his life of living loved, forgiven, and free! This is where power is available and where life truly worth living is accessed! We are living in the last days, which affords us the most opportune time to surrender to and experience the profound grace of God! 

Romans 5:20-21 The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

When you see the world getting darker, you can be sure that God is releasing an even more powerful light that comes through his grace! You don’t want to be like many who go to church every Sunday but are still trying to earn the favor of God. It is indeed worth your effort to do the math! Consider these thoughts carefully! 

Before the worlds were created, God had a plan to exchange his only son, Jesus Christ for you. Ephesians 1:5 Jesus came and died for the sin of mankind 2000 years ago and he will never die again! Here’s the question? Was your sin paid for at that time or not? Do the math! Do you recognize how valuable you are? Do you recognize that all your sin, past, present and future are completely paid for? 

Based upon this understanding of God’s intense love for you, refuse to live under the old covenant! Refuse to live a life based upon your own righteousness and instead, fully receive God’s life of knowing that you are perfect in his sight! It is high time to step into what has been given to you through the precious blood of Jesus Christ! It’s time to live loved, forgiven, and free! 

I am praying that, more than ever before, the revelation of the love and grace of God will draw you into deeper intimacy with him! The wonderful life of God is available to those who will pursue knowing him based upon this revelation! Everything that the world has to offer is pale in comparison to the life that you can live in through God! 

Think about this – you are so important and valuable to God that you are literally everything he has ever wanted! So important that he gave his son in exchange for you! You can be completely confident that God has a wonderful plan for your life and that your best is yet to come! You must only believe! The Spirit of the living God is calling your name today, and he is saying, “Come near to me and I will come near to you.” (James 4:8) He has called you to prosper! You are more than a conqueror! You are loved!!! Please listen to God’s sweet voice! He wants to be intimate with you!… 


Arthur Wilder