The worst thing anyone could ever do is to decide to live their life without God! The Bible declares that only the nation or people whose God is the Lord will be blessed!

Happy is the nation of whom this is true; happy are the people whose God is the LORD! Psalm 144:15 (GNT)

In a single day Pekah son of Remaliah, Israel’s king, killed 120,000 of Judah’s troops, all of them experienced warriors, because they had abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors. 2 Chronicles 28:6 (NLT)

Israel’s king destroyed the region of Judah because Judah had abandoned the Lord the God of their ancestors. This should be a stark warning to those who are living on the fence… Whatever you do, Don't Abandon the Lord! The good news found in Jesus Christ is the lifeline both for you and this world! Abandoning God is like abandoning your only source for air to breathe…death is inevitable! He is in love with you, and prosperity is found in him! Quickly, dive into God’s amazing love for you because your life depends on it! God is not trying to take from you; rather, he is longing to give you everything that he is! May you settle this in your mind… Abandoning God…


Arthur Wilder