Many people are trying to obtain life through what others think of them. The clothes we wear, the cars we drive, and the homes we live in can be greatly influenced by how others perceive us. Do we ever find real life that is abundant by chasing after the opinions of others? The answer is an emphatic NO! 

Think about this. What if you could live in a truly luxurious home? What about living in a place that has the supernatural favor of God upon it? How about living in a home that is, well… out of this world? Is this possible? Yes, it is! There is a place to live that far exceeds the expectations and imaginations of those who are privileged to live there. 

Ps 91:1-2 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And he will say of the Lord, “you are my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.

Psalms 5:12 For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

No natural home, car, or clothes can cause you to live a life you truly love! Loving life comes from a dwelling place within! It is crucial to ask the question of ourselves, what truly makes me happy? What makes me love being me? 

God longs for you to tap into the secret place of the Most High! This is the place where you feel loved, adored, and absolutely perfect! Do you live your life, knowing that God is looking at you with pleasure and a smile! You cannot work up this type of life; this kind of life must be soaked up! Human effort cannot get you there – only faith! 

Do you believe that all your sin, past, present, and future were paid for by the blood of Jesus? Do you really? Do you live your minute-by-minute and second-by-second life knowing that you are righteous in God’s sight through that blood? Believing these truths opens the door to the amazing spiritual home God has for you right now! It’s luxurious. It’s beautiful. It’s everything that you’ve ever dreamed and more! 

Many people live their lives trying to find their fulfillment from the things of this world, only to find themselves graphically disappointed by what they obtain! Only in God will a person find the profound life of heaven right here on earth! Jesus told us to pray with words of declaration, like this, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

Your Loving Heavenly Father longs to lead you into that marvelous home of splendor, that blessed place of rest, the secret place. Listen carefully here! When you find that secret place, don’t visit – Stay! It will be your home, your resting place! This place is so wonderful. I guarantee, you will not want to leave! It is indeed an amazing, heavenly, blissful place! All the wonders of who God is are found in this dwelling place! Oh, yes! This is the place where you live loved, forgiven, and free! Trust me on this one. Being willing to forsake all that this world has to offer to gain this new dwelling place is beyond worth it – it is 


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Arthur Wilder