Isn’t it comforting to know that your birth was not an accident? According to God, you were created for such a time as this! God knew what specific time in history, right down to the year, month, and day he would need you on this earth. He even planned who your parents would be and what qualities, or even lack thereof, they would have. God knew what tribulations and trials you would end up going through to bring you to the point of being the most effective and the most fulfilled! Yes! There is a specific plan for your life, and it is the best and most exciting life possible for you! 

John the Baptist was born for a particular purpose. God wanted to use his life mightily and, therefore, preplanned his life. 

Luke 1:17 And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous–to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” 

I promise you; you also were born for a particular purpose! No matter what your gifts or talents are, God wants to use all you are and possess to bring about his eternal purposes. This calling upon your life is very similar to John the Baptist even though you may not be a pastor, missionary, or church leader! God has given some the ability to make money for the purposes of his kingdom, and he has given others the ability to speak for his kingdom. Though all of us don’t have the same gifting, we all have the same purpose. 

Jesus said, “The fields are white unto harvest.” Jn 1:35 Though we are not all called to be pastors or missionaries, we are all called to use what God has given us to fulfill God’s ultimate plan for the world. This plan is that all should come to the knowledge of the truth of God’s love and live in intimacy with him. 

The world is longing for an answer! The deepest longing and cry of the whole world is for the love and fulfillment that can only be found in God. While the darkness of hurt, shame, failure, depression, hate, and bitterness rule many, you and I have been given the key to set them free! Yes! We have the cure! It’s our time! Let’s heed the call! 

I promise you; your birth is not an accident! Oh, yes – for such a time as this! John the Baptist fulfilled his purpose, and now you’re up to bat! Go ahead! Do it with all your heart! It’s… 


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Arthur Wilder