Encouraging Notes

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Thousands of years before Jesus came, God sent prophets to let his people know that the Messiah would soon come. Even though there were more than 350 prophecies regarding Jesus and his coming, there was no room for him when he arrived. 

Luke 2:4-7 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6While they were there; the time came for the baby to be born, 7and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them.

Consider the profoundness of the coming of Jesus Christ. The King of the universe was coming to earth to give Himself as a ransom and payment for all humanity. Though there were hundreds of prophecies about his coming, when he came, the religious did not recognize him and humanity had no room for him. Think about it! God came to his own creation, and he was not recognized, and neither was there room for him. On the contrary, the God who spoke the world's into existence was born in a barn and laid in a feeding trough to rest. Interestingly, it was he who would become the bread of life that would feed the world. 

What is often perplexing during the Christmas season is how many claim Christianity yet have no time or room for him in their lives. What a Christmas it would be if those who claimed Christianity would put Jesus at the center of this Christmas season. 

At the time of Jesus' coming, the spirit of religiosity and self-righteousness kept the churchgoers from recognizing him. Stand that he was the answer to the woes of all of humanity. It is similar in our era. Many people know about Jesus, but only a few perceive him as the answer to their lives. They do not realize that he is everything they have ever wanted, everything they've ever needed! If only people understood the profoundness of what is available to them because of Jesus. 

Suppose someone shared with you the exact coordinates of a hidden treasure worth billions. Would you be interested in going after it? Of course, you would! Therefore, the issue does not lie within the facts' parameters, but rather in the revelation of those facts. 

My heart goes out to this world – the sea of humanity that is all around you and me today! Though they may not know it, their deepest longings and most pressing needs will be met in the Christ of Christmas! I am praying that during this Christmas season, there would be an outpouring of the revelation of why Jesus came to earth! More than ever, people need to understand why Jesus came! Let us join hearts together in prayer today for a supernatural revealing of the good news of Jesus so that during this season, more people than ever will… 


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