When in doubt, read the blueprints, or better yet, have a meeting with the designer. Have you ever been caught red-handed making plans without first consulting the Lord? He is the one that created you, wrote the blueprint for your life, and knows what is best for you. A life without the wisdom and guidance of God is a confusing life! So, first things first. When pursuing your life dreams, make sure that God is your senior partner! 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

If you want to achieve the goals and dreams that God has given you, you have to be more than merely interested in obtaining them. You must be committed! People who are only interested have a lot of excuses for why it may not work out for them. Their excuses often include these thoughts: They don't have enough money. Their parents didn't treat them right. They had a tough childhood. They don't have the right equipment. They are too busy. They are not talented enough. There are no good employees that can be found, etc. etc. Somebody once said that this kind of person lives on a drug called hope-ium. They are always hoping that things will change and hoping things will get better. Hope is a beautiful thing, but it cannot replace faith that steps out and does what God has said is his will. 

On the other hand, people committed to their goals and dreams don't have any excuses– only action. They are the people who strategize, plan, and create ways to fulfill what God has declared is possible for them! Likewise, God wants you to believe enough to develop strategies, tactics, and processes that will ensure your dreams become a reality. 

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God. For those who come to him must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

Trust in God is a non-negotiable! To accomplish what God has for you, you must believe him! Your ability to move forward in life will come down to what you do every day. God preplanned you and wired you for a specific purpose. Your daily habits can bring to fruition that fantastic plan! Yes, attaining the future God has for you will come down to the daily habits you choose to put in place. 

I pray that you are getting before God, hearing his heart, and making goals and plans for your future! God wants you to prosper! This is your season for change! God is on your side, and this is your year for… 


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Arthur Wilder