As the body of Christ, I believe our most exciting times are yet ahead! Because of the revelation of the grace of God, people are stepping into the freedom found in the cross of Christ, and the body of Christ is rising!
I believe a move of God, the likes the world has never seen, is on the horizon! We are in the last days, and many signs which the Bible predicted would mark the last days are being fulfilled. For those of you who are interested in these end-time events, I’ve prepared a few scriptural references that speak of prophecies already fulfilled and ones yet to come that you can enjoy looking up and studying. Here they are:
1. False prophets and Christs Mt 24:5,11
2. Wars and rumors of wars Mt 24:6-7
3. Famines Mt 24:7
4. Earthquakes Mt 24:7
5. Tribulations Mt 24:8-9
6. The Gospel will be preached throughout the world. Mt 24:14
7. Godlessness in the last days II Tim 3:1-5,7
8. Israel will be in the Promise Land. Eze 36:8-12, 37:21
9. Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands. Luke 21:24
10. Muslim Coalition armed and led by armies of the north, which probably include Russia, will attack the Holy Land. Ezek. 38:2-6
11. The ancient Roman Empire will reemerge as a political force. Rev 17:9-10
12. The world will embrace a single religion. Rev 13:8
13. The world will accept a single government. Rev 13:3
14. Babylon will reemerge as a prominent city or power in world affairs. Rev 18:2-3
It is so exciting to see the fulfillment of prophecy in our day! We are definitely drawing near to the return of Christ and the beginning of what we are all looking forward to, eternity with Jesus! May you be ready and prepared to meet the Lord! May you ardently pursue your part in fulfilling his purpose here on earth! May you use all that you are and have to see the marvelous plan of God’s love and forgiveness change the course of history! This is the most exciting time to be alive! God’s love is being revealed to the hearts of people on a scale we have never seen! O Yes! I believe a great revival is coming! So, this is what I'm praying…
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