The more I contemplate the love of God, the more I am overwhelmed. The understanding that God genuinely wants you and me to be close to him his profound and mind-blowing. God wanted us so much that he was willing to undergo the death penalty for our sins. Oh, yes! It was out of deep love for you and me that he died! God’s passionate desire is that we would live intimate with him here and in heaven for all eternity!
“He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.” 1 Thessalonians 5:10 NIV
Those who get a glimpse of the passionate, loving heart of God can never be the same! It changes their view of God, themselves and all of life! The most fabulous experience you will ever have this side of heaven is the experience of God’s unconditional love overwhelming you! Oh, beyond words! King David had a revelation of this love of God; look at what he said:
Psalm 63:2-8
2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory.
3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands.
5 I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips, my mouth will praise you.
6 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.
Ps 36:7 How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
I am praying for you today and asking God that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened to know the amazing love of God more fully than ever before! May today be a day where you experience an encounter of a lifetime with the Love that fills the deepest part of your soul and can heal the deepest wounds of your heart! Oh, yes! May today be your day to find out, more than ever how much…
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