So this is the question; why do we do what we do? Many times people say they do what they do because of how they were raised or because of what they have experienced. Though these factors are important and do make a difference, at the root of why we do what we do is the word believe!

A quote that I have often requoted from the great preacher, TD Jakes says, “I care more about what I think of me than what others think of me because as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” How true this is! What I believe about me changes not only how I view me but changes how others view me. You see, your idea (eye-dea) becomes your eyes! The way you view yourself is how others will view you. This changes everything in life!

A person that lives by the faith of God is a person living by what God believes about them. When you believe what God believes about you, you will bring into your natural experience, God’s great purpose for your life.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.”

The most intimate thought that as ever entered the heart of God is the thought of you. God said through the prophet Jeremiah, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.” Jer 1:5a

A person who studies the Bible from beginning to end will conclude that the whole of the Bible is about Jesus. But what is even more fascinating is that all of Jesus is all about you. You are God’s dream come true! God’s longing is you! God did not send Jesus to be an example for you simply but rather to be an example of you! When God sees you, he sees Jesus! Do you believe that?

Hebrews 11:6 lets us know that without faith, it is impossible to please God. The reason why this is true is that God knows that unless you believe what he believes about you, you will never experience the abundant life he longs for you to enjoy! Oh, that you would know more fully how valuable you are and how valid your existence is! 

When God sent Jesus to deliver you from the inferior mentality given to you through the law of performance, he did it because he was in love with you! God Almighty lives inside of you! There is no place in all of the universe where he would rather be than inside of you! You are his permanent and favored address!

Think about it – believing what God believes about you will radically transform…


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Arthur Wilder