he Bible is abundantly clear; God moves in mighty and powerful ways through those who will believe him! Throughout the Word of God, we see faith as the key that unlocks the doors of the miraculous. It is important to note that faith comes from the Word of God, not from trying hard! All it takes is one Word from the Lord! You don't need to pray for more faith as much as you need to pray for a Rhema word from the Lord. 

Rom 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word." 

In the Word, "word," in this Scripture, comes from the Greek Word Rhema and denotes a specific spoken word from God. This differentiates itself from the Greek word Logos, which is the entirety of the spoken Word of God and is the Bible. 

The Scripture says, "Faith comes." This means that faith will come to you as you pursue a specific word from the Lord (Rhema) on the entirety of the Word of God (logos.) You don't have to try to get faith, but instead, use your energy to pursue a word. 

It is imperative that when we come to God that we are completely honest with no unconfessed sin or hidden agendas. Though God has already forgiven us of all our sins, our confession and repentance clears our conscience and allows us to hear clearly from the Lord! The prophet Isaiah said to the children of Israel, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear." Isa 59:2 The word "iniquities" speaks of wrong thoughts. God longs to bless us, but harboring tests and can keep us from intimacy with him and, therefore, his blessing. The Word of God has the power to both cleanse and heal your heart! 

Isaiah also wrote, "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Is 55:6 As you seek God through his Word, he is able to speak to you in ways you have never dreamed. 

There is no better day than today to prayerfully seek the Lord through his Word, prayer, and worship! As you do, you will begin to receive words that are specifically designed for you! As you hear those words that God is speaking to you, make sure you apply and do what he is saying because acting on the Word of God seals the deal and causes the favor of God to be released in your life! (James 2:22-25) Oh Yes! Today is your day for a word from the Lord! As you seek God through his Word, you will find out firsthand that… 


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Arthur Wilder