Encouraging Notes

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MORE THAN A CONQUEROR (Free from fear part 3)

2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Do you know that fear is a declaration of what a person believes? Fear is faith that something bad will happen or could happen. So, fear is believing in a negative reality. Fear always asks, what if? On the other hand, faith always says, God is. Most of what people fear never happens, and much of what people fear is simply in their minds. 

So, specifically, why is it that God does not want us to live in fear? One of the reasons is that fear is a saying that God is not the God he says he is. Fear declares that God is not with me or does not love me enough to want to help or is not God at all. Someone once said, to despair is to turn your back on God. When fear is present, success is hindered. Fear makes people feel paralyzed and unable to go forward in what they’re called to do. How many books were never written, CDs never produced, paintings never painted, businesses never started, and inventions never created because of fear. Fear is a killer to all prosperity. 

Another reason why God does not want us to live in fear is that fear is at the root of sickness and disease. Do you know that 75 to 98% of all sickness and disease is caused by stress? Anytime a person is living in fear, their immune system is compromised, their cortisol level goes up, and a whole list of the disease and sickness related chemical reactions begin to sabotage the body. On the contrary, those who choose to believe that God is in control and that everything will work out for their good will be those whose physical bodies will be healthy and strong and who will live on the cutting edge of creative energy because their minds are at peace. Those who live by faith are those who are positioned for advantage! 

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Yet another reason why God does not want us to walk in fear is that fear produces a life of failure. Many people make decisions based upon the fear of what people may think of them rather than upon what they genuinely want or know to be best. How many great ideas were never acted upon because of the fear of what others would think or the fear of failure? How many people are not stepping out and pursuing their dreams because they are afraid of responsibility? Those who are world-changers or who create significant breakthroughs for humanity are those who are willing to step out and do what they’re called to do no matter what others may think. 

My dearest friend, fear is not for you! God never intended for you and me to live bound by this dreadful evil! On the contrary, the word of God declares, “No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:28 You are called to not only conquer but to have an overwhelming victory! In the boxing world, they would call it a TKO (technical knockout). God has created a way for you to be free from fear, and in the coming Encouraging Notes, I will break fear down so that you will have a clear understanding of what it is and how you can be free from it! As we continue this journey together, know that I am praying for you and believing God that you will see yourself as God sees you and as who you really are… 


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