It is often the things that seem small or unimportant that bring about the most incredible breakthroughs in your life! The more you receive the love of God for you, the more his goodness is attracted to you! Living your life open to anything and everything that God would have for you sets you up for great blessing. Sometimes the most remarkable miracles come in small and seemingly insignificant packages! 

Luke 1:41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Elizabeth was in love with God and wanted all that God had for her! Her normal lifestyle was one of relationship with God and being open to his purpose and will. I believe her lifestyle was the magnet to bring about A simple greeting that radically revolutionized her life forever! Through this seemingly every day, customary greeting, Elizabeth experienced a divine encounter with the living God and his Holy Spirit! Wow! A simple word from God or a casual hello from somebody carrying the glory of God can launch you into a new world with God! 

Interestingly, God often chose those who were insignificant and unknown to do some of the greatest feats. Matthew 17 records the story of the disciples trying to cast a demon out of a little boy but were unable. When they came to Jesus to ask why they were unable to cast it out, Jesus said, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Mat 17:20 The mustard seed is one of the smallest of all seeds. Amongst the garden seeds, it seems so tiny and insignificant, yet when full-grown, it becomes the largest of all garden plants. Wow! Jesus was saying that if you have faith – even little faith, you can do great things! 

Never underestimate what God can do in your life! God can open up doors and create avenues of blessing for you that are beyond your wildest imagination! Don’t let your age, your status, or your past keep you from trusting in the great things that God has in store for you! God doesn’t need your performance; he needs your trust! 

My dearest friend, today could be your day for a significant discovery! Are you trusting in God’s love for you? Are you living your life knowing that you are perfect in God’s sight because of the blood of Jesus? This may seem insignificant, but I promise you it produces heavenly results! Today could be your day for a tremendous breakthrough! Spend your day to day with your mind stayed upon God’s love for you! This will cause you to know his heartbeat and empower you to live in his will. I believe that expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles! So, live today in expectation, and be sure not to miss the “little things.” Always keep in mind that God often uses the most insignificant things to launch the most… 


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Arthur Wilder