Withdrawal is only possible because of a deposit. Likewise, dividends come from investments. One of the ingredients of any successful company is the principle of “buy-in.” “Buy-in” is a term used to describe people becoming fully invested in a company or business. This concept not only works in a company setting but also in everyday life. Personal success always comes at the cost of “buy-in.” This means that a person, because of their commitment, is willing to sacrifice for what is best. Everything that brings real gain will always involve an element of pain or sacrifice. 

You can be sure that sacrifice will always be on the agenda if you are going to live free. As TD Jakes has so eloquently stated, “Freedom is a bloody business.” Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. (Mt 16:24–25)

I remember years ago talking to one of the most successful commercial fishermen in Alaska. He was always busy ministering to people and loving on people even when it would have been more beneficial for him to be heading back out to sea to get ready for the big opening. I asked him, why are you still at the dock when you know that the opening to fish will start very soon. He said to me, “God told me years ago that if I would put his business first that he would put my business first. Being willing to give up things that you want or make you feel comfortable for God is not easy, but oh so worth it! God is not as interested in your talent, and gifting’s as he is in your sacrifice! 

Luke 18:29-30 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.”

God’s great love for you and me compels us to carry out the life of love, which is laying down our lives for others. God’s favor and blessing chases those who have chosen to put God’s business before their own! Investing in your future financially requires a sacrifice of pleasures and comforts that you could have otherwise purchased with that money. It is easy for one to spend all their money on pleasures only to pay the price of poverty later. 

God likes investors! Are you an investor? Invest in God’s business first, and he will invest in yours! Trust me, he has a much larger bank and life account! Living in the success of God will cost you your life, but will gain you eternal life. God wants you to live in his heavenly life right here on earth, but it will require you to sacrifice doing life your own way! Be sure, God is not short on ideas or power to bring about great success in your life, but he needs your surrendered heart to bring it about! May you concede to God’s purpose and plan, offering your life to him as a living sacrifice! 

My dear partner in Christ, God is calling you and me to a much greater level of his glory! I believe that now is the time for us, as the body of Christ, to give an unequivocal reply to this most crucial question… 


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Arthur Wilder