Most of us are not interested in going through hard things – right! I mean, who wants trials? But it is often those hard times that bring about the most significant change in our lives. When experiencing challenging times, it can feel like you are going through a baptism of sorts that is driving you towards change. The Bible speaks of multiple types of baptisms, but they all carry the same root: a person going through something that will forever alter their life!

The first baptism Jesus went through was the baptism of water. While being baptized by John in the Jordan River, Jesus had a profound experience with the Holy Spirit. Jesus saw the Holy Spirit descending upon him like a dove, and he heard God say, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 Immediately, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Somebody once said, “For every new level, there is a new devil.” I assure you that Jesus’ experience in the wilderness wasn’t for nothing for, when he returned from that experience, he was walking in new power.  

Luke 4:14 Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside.

What the enemy meant for evil God had already planned for good. What Jesus went through was preparation for the mighty things that would flow through his life. There was another baptism that Jesus would also face, and that was the cross. Speaking of the cross, Jesus said, “But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! Luke 12:50

Jesus fully understood why he had come to this earth and knew he had to undergo this final baptism. The outcome of this final baptism would be so great that it would produce God’s ultimate plan on earth – the church. Yes! The result of Jesus’ final baptism of the cross was you and me. We are now God’s powerhouse in the world. God’s Holy Spirit within us is the hindering force stopping the spirit of the antichrist from taking over the world. We will continue to be a powerful force until we are taken out in the rapture. ( See 2 Thess 2:7-8) Also, you and I can now come to God’s very throne with confidence (Hebrews 4:16) because he is no longer counting our sins against us. (2Cor 5:19)

You can be sure that there is a testing ground for everyone God will use greatly! If you are going through a trial in your life right now, know that it is for a reason and only for a season. Just like Jesus, if you choose to trust God, your trial will also increase the presence and power of God in your life!

James 1:2-4  Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

People pay money for gym memberships and are willing to endure pain because they want the health and physical benefits it can bring. I often refer to trials and tribulations in our lives as our spiritual gym. God longs for us to increase in every area, but that increase does not come without going to the spiritual gym. Remember; after Jesus came back from his testing in the wilderness, he walked in a new dimension of power that caused the purpose for which he came to this earth to be launched.

My dearest friend, are you being tested? Hold on… Because it’s Power Time! As I mentioned earlier, God tests everyone that he will use greatly! Every vessel that God will use will go through the process of molding, making, being tried by fire, and waiting. Are you ready to go to the next level? If so, you can be sure that you also will face a baptism. What do you need to do during this baptism experience? Just believe God! That’s it! Promotion comes from God, and all you need to do is trust him! You can’t lose! God is crazy in love with you and is in total control! Will you trust him? If so, it is time to get excited because we are in the last days, and I am sensing that it is…


Encouraging Notes