Encouraging Notes

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As a whole, we tend to shy away from hard things; therefore, we typically take the path of least resistance. This can be good in some ways because it is the cause of many new inventions and innovations. Though there is a benefit to finding ways to make things better, only those who have mastered the lifestyle of doing hard things will make those innovations and inventions come to fruition. Since the fall of man, the only way to have true gain is through pain. Just as a seed must go into the ground and die if it will bear fruit, so there will always be a death process for us to experience true increase.

Jesus had to face a lot of rejection and had to endure a lot of pain so that you and I could benefit from a better way. I pray that you will let this Scripture speak to your heart.

Heb 5:7 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission

Do you think Jesus was offering up loud cries and tears as a religious ritual to impress God, or was he in a trial so big that he needed God’s help? I often wonder if Jesus, as God, had to pray so passionately; what about us? How come most of the prayers we hear our so pious and passionless? If Jesus needed to pray like that, how much more us!

The Scripture goes on to say that God heard Jesus’ prayers because of his reverent submission. I wonder how many prayers go unanswered because of irreverence and unsubmission to God?

Another mind-boggling thought is that Jesus, even though he was God, had to learn obedience through what he suffered. It was only after going through a perfecting process that he was able to become the source of salvation for all who would believe and obey.

Heb 5:8-9 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.

Wow! It wasn’t easy for Jesus! Yes – Jesus went through real trials and real pain! Jesus did not take the path of least resistance; he was willing to do whatever it took to carry out his purpose.

Could it be that the trials you’re facing are part of the training that God has allowed for you to be made perfect? Is it possible that God wants you to learn the life of powerful and passionate prayer? Is it possible that God wants you to learn to walk by faith so that you genuinely trust God no matter what you face? Was it worth it for Jesus to go through all he went through? Without a doubt! His reward was the reconciliation of all humanity to God!

Wow! I pray that God is speaking to you as much as he is speaking to me today! Do you have a whatever-it-takes mentality? Do you have a never say die spirit when it comes to trusting God and doing his will? Are you willing to learn obedience through the trials you are facing? My prayer for you today is that you would, like Jesus, be willing to trust God enough to do whatever it takes because, like Jesus, the reward will be…