Encouraging Notes

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Have you ever wondered why great men and women throughout history were known for their prayer life? Why was prayer so important to them? It is interesting to note that the Bible gives us no record of Jesus teaching his disciples to preach: only taught them to pray. Prayer is so essential that the Bible records Jesus praying on numerous occasions.

 Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to get alone with God. This was not a religious duty for him; it was his passion and desire! One-on-one communion with God was of great importance to Jesus.  The disciples of Jesus often heard him speak in parables and were just as confused as the crowds who listened, but later on, they would get alone with Jesus, and he would explain the meaning of the stories to them.

Mark 4:34  He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

There is no substitute for spending time with God! There is nothing more important you will ever do than getting alone with God and hearing his heart. Yes – getting alone with God is the secret to your future! Want to understand? Want to know what it’s all about? Would you like to be in on the stuff that only the “in-group” gets? Would you like wisdom for your future? Would you like to know what your next step should be?

God has grand plans for you, and he wants to share them with you. It is in the presence of God that you will experience the wonder and majesty of God’s goodness and understand his exciting plan for your life.

Don’t ever forget this small but oh so essential point – with God; you can never work it up – you must soak it up. Everything is accessed through faith and is never an external work. When you get before God, relax and let him speak. As you, through faith, seek his face, keep the word of God in front of you and be ready to write down what he is saying.

I pray that you recognize his presence and know that he is very close to you and ready to empower your life! Oh yes! Now is your time! This is your moment to…