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I grew up in a family with 20 children. Yes, 20, that was not a misprint. When I was young, we didn’t have much money. I remember one year, when basketball season came around, the tennis shoes I was wearing had holes in them, and I wanted a pair of Converse basketball shoes so bad! The perfect time came. I was at JC Penney’s one evening with my parents, and out of a daring heart of hope and trust, I took them over to the shoe section and showed them my absolute most favorite shoes in the whole world, a pair of low-top black Converse basketball shoes. Though I knew it wasn’t in their budget or plan for that night, I chose to step out and believe for something great. Trusting in my parent’s generosity and goodness had its perks that night – I went home with what I thought were the most fabulous shoes in all of the world! I was absolutely elated, basking in a life that, for me, was overflow! I was beside myself!

In contrast, the God of the Universe is not short on funds, and putting your trust in him is a sure thing! I don’t think there is such a thing as too much peace and joy! In a world of chaos, you need as much as you can get! Putting your hope in God and completely trusting him has its perks! According to the following Scripture, it will fill you with joy and peace and cause you to overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Romans 15:13  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may OVERFLOW with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How about going out on a limb a little today? How about trusting God with a bit of daring and crazy trust. How about choosing to trust him no matter what or determining to praise Him any-how? Oh yes, you can! God is waiting for you to get a little bit radical. He wants to cause his PEACE & JOY to take over in your life so that HOPE seems limitless for you.

Go ahead; today is your day! Now is your opportunity to get a little bit crazy and choose to trust God anyhow! Because of your daring trust, I’m going to be looking forward to an excellent report because PEACE, JOY & HOPE are coming your way, and now is the season for…


Encouraging Notes