Writing It down

The latest research says that you are 42% more likely to succeed if you write down your goals. Writing down your dreams, goals, and desires is one of the greatest keys to success. God told the prophet Habakkuk to write the vision down and make it plain. Habakkuk 2:2 This is key to your future success! Indeed, it is hard to hit bulls-eye if you are unsure about what you are aiming at. Knowing who you are created to be is what will set you apart from others. As I said yesterday, early on in life, TD Jakes took the time to “date” himself to assess his true passions and desires, which has been key to all that he has achieved. You are ready to make goals and achieve them when you know who you are! You could devote your energy to many things and many great ideas, but what God has wired you to be is where you will shine.

Once you’ve taken the time to assess who you are and what you are created to do, then it’s time to start writing! Make sure that you are precise about what you want to achieve! Accomplishing your dreams and goals will be difficult without absolute clarity and focus. It is essential to be confident of God’s heart towards you and his desires for you. When you are convinced of God’s desires for you, pressing forward is much easier. The power to live a fulfilling and rewarding life comes from knowing and experiencing God’s love and grace! God longs for you to live in the abundance that he lives in. This is why he told us to pray, “Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10. 

As you begin writing down your goals, start with what’s most important, your spiritual health. Where are you spiritually? How deep would you like to go with God? By the end of this next year, what would you like your relationship with God to be like? How will you know when you have achieved this goal? Be very specific about what you want to know and experience. Where will your spiritual life take you?

God created you to take dominion! This new year is your opportunity to accept who God has designed you to be and begin running with his dream for your life. It is time to tap into the very life of heaven right here on earth. The key to abundant life is living in sync with the Holy Spirit inside of you! Be assured; God wants you to prosper and increase. He wants you to live the same wonderful life he lives in, right here on earth! I hope you’re getting as excited about your life as I am about mine. God has wonderful things in store for you and what you write down is what you are most likely to achieve. Do you have a pen? Is your paper ready? When it comes to dreams and goals and ensuring a future of success, there’s nothing better than…

Writing It down

Encouraging Notes