Like a Good Soldier

The life of a soldier is not about comfort; it’s about purpose! Conversely, when people go on a cruise or vacation, they want to enjoy all possible pleasures and, of course, be thoroughly pampered. For many, Christianity is viewed in the same way. They say to God, “God, bless me! Make me prosperous and famous so that I can feel good about myself and be comfortable and have many pleasures.”

Though God certainly wants to bless us and give us pleasure, he knows the greatest pleasure and blessing we could ever experience is living in him and his purpose. Before creating the world, God was dreaming about us and preplanning our destiny. Indeed, God is more excited about our future and blessing than we are! Therefore, trusting him with our whole life is the most rewarding and fulfilling thing we could ever do!

As a good trainer, God allows us to go through those things that will make us better and stronger! Those who trust the loving heart of God will trust him through those difficult times.

2 Timothy 2:3-4 Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs--he wants to please his commanding officer. NIV

Luke 14:26-27, 33  Jesus says,  “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.   In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. NIV 

Those who are surrender to God and his purpose are willing to lose what this world has to offer in order to gain what God has offered. Though God has commanded us to love our family and those around us, our love for God should be so much greater that it would seem like hate compared to our love for God. God knows that true fulfillment is only found in an intimate relationship with him and living in his divine purpose for our lives.

Most people don’t go to the gym and cause their body pain because it is easy or pleasant but because of the results. Similarly, if you want to live the most rewarding and fulfilling life, you must live it fully committed to God and his purpose. You can be sure that his plans for you will be much more wonderful and far more rewarding than your own purposes without him! This is why the first scripture above likens our commitment to God and his purposes to a soldier serving in the Army. A soldier who wants to please his commanding officer does not get involved in civilian affairs. Likewise, if we are going to please God, we must not allow this world to distract us from our real purpose.

Don’t allow the enemy to trick you into thinking that pursuing selfish pleasures will buy you true happiness. Trying to live pampered and always comfortable will not produce the abundant life God has planned for you! Make no mistake, those who accomplish great things live disciplined lives!

We all go through seasons in our lives, and some of them are difficult. If you are facing one of those difficult times, embrace it as an opportunity to go deep in God! Choose to trust God no matter what! A life of true significance will always include pain and sacrifice – but oh, how fulfilling and rewarding it can be for those who will trust God! I can promise you this, the greatest pleasure you will ever experience will be found when you reject the Christian vacation mentality and believe God enough to, by faith, embrace your trials…

Like a Good Soldier

Encouraging Notes