Encouraging Notes

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Operate in Heaven's Authority

Though born in a barn and through the womb of a simple young lady, Jesus single-handedly changed the entire course of human history. How could that be possible? Jesus did not come as a powerful king but as a humble servant to a world of lost and hurting people. Instead of being born in a palace, he was born in a barn; and instead of gathering people to serve him, he lived to serve others. Though his entry into this world and the life he chose to live was unorthodox for someone who could change the course of history, he nonetheless became the most extraordinary human ever to walk this earth.

How did he do it? What was his secret? I believe the secret to his powerful life can be found in his relationship with his Father. Because authority comes from being under authority, and Jesus was fully submitted to his supreme authority, God, Jesus wielded the power of God himself.

Mk 1:22 The people were amazed at his teaching because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.

During his time here on earth, Jesus appointed 72 disciples to go out and minister ahead of him in every place he was going to go. Look at the response when they return from ministry.

Luke 10:17  The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”

When you carefully consider the idea of authority, you will realize that all authority comes from being under authority. The policeman’s ability to stop a semi-truck with a motion of his hand comes from the authority he is submitted to. Likewise, all authority in heaven and earth was given to Jesus, and he has also commissioned us to go and demonstrate the purpose and plan of God!

Matthew 28:18-20 “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

A policeman has authority because he is a part of the police department as instituted by our state and government. To have the authority Jesus spoke of in Matthew 28, you must be a part of his eternal kingdom – the family of God. To become a member of the family of God, one must put their trust in God and in what he has provided for us through Jesus. Relationship with God through faith is what causes a simple, humble person to access the power of heaven.

Please understand; true Christianity is based upon what we believe, not upon what we do; but, make no mistake, true faith will always exhibit the actions of God’s eternal love. The secret to living like Christ on this earth is receiving from him. Yes, we must focus our energy on living connected to God and receiving from him instead of trying to earn him. The more you meditate on what he has declared to be true about you and him, the more you will experience his power and glory. As I have often said, “What you behold is what you will become!”

So here’s my question for you today – Like Jesus, will you fully submit to your supreme authority, God? Will you surrender to the truth that you are everything he has ever wanted? Are you willing to humble yourself to believe that you are God’s dream come true? Oh, my dear friend, if you will, powerful things are ahead for you!

As I pray for you today, I believe that your childlike faith and surrender to God’s authority in your life will cause you to, like Jesus… 

Operate In Heaven’s Authority