You Are Everything God Has Ever Wanted

God’s amazing love for us is beyond full comprehension. It is hard to fathom the immensity of his passion for us! What is mind-blowing is that there is nothing in all of the universe that God desires more than you!

If you were to be sincerely vulnerable and honest about what you love the most or what you are most passionate about, what or who would it be?

The Bible records the story of a young man who had spent his life pursuing his dreams, yet after achieving much success, he found himself perplexed and disappointed. He had so much yet was experiencing so little true fulfillment. Most people would have thought that he had his act together and was living the dream. But even though he had achieved riches and fame, he was unfulfilled and knew that something was missing. Out of desperation, he came to Jesus and said, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus told him, “If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.” He replied, “I’ve kept all the commandments since I was a boy, but I’m still missing something.”Mat 19:16-20  Look at Jesus’ reply:

Matthew 19:21-23 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad because he had great wealth. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Some people have riches, and other people, riches have them. In the case of this rich young ruler, his money had him. This begs a fundamental question that all of us need to answer – Is there anything or anybody you love more than God? The rich young ruler was unable to tap into the life he was longing for because of his misguided relationship with money. He was doomed to living a life outside of God’s love and true fulfillment because of the things he thought would satisfy him.

Though God longs for us to experience the life of heaven, many are holding tightly to the pleasures of this world and find themselves graphically disappointed with life. There is no way to experience the incredible life of heaven outside of God. No amount of human effort can gain what God longs to freely give us. This is why Jesus had to come. God is so in love with us that he was willing to give up everything to have us reconciled back to himself! Have you received that? Do you know how much he loves you? Do you live your life knowing that you are loved and adored? The rich young ruler did not understand God’s love and spent his life trying to be fulfilled by this world.

Someone once said, “What you compromise to keep is the very thing you will lose.” The pleasures of this world are short-lived and end in destruction, yet are Satan’s biggest trick for seducing and deceiving people, causing them to miss the greatest fulfillment of all!

There is nothing more important than receiving God’s love so deeply that you cannot help but passionately reciprocate that love! What you are in love with is determined by what you perceive will give you the most fulfillment! Receiving the love of God is the beginning of stepping into a life of heaven on earth and being lavishly loved for all eternity!

Today I’m praying that you will be immersed in the love and forgiveness of God that brings true satisfaction and fulfillment! Yes, may you be overcome with the truth that…

You Are Everything God Has Ever Wanted 

Encouraging Notes