Encouraging Notes

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First Things First

Have you ever felt like life is too complicated and stressful, with more things to be accomplished than you have time for? I know I have. When we experience times like this, it begs us to consider our priorities. So what is a priority? A priority is something important; the higher the priority, the greater the importance. We make our to-do lists and prioritize them so that we do what is most important first!

So I guess the question is, what are your priorities? Better yet, what is your highest priority? Jesus understood the power of prioritizing one’s life, and here is what he declared to be the highest priority.

Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

First things first! Yes! The most rewarding and prosperous life will come from organizing your life with God as your first priority. When you prioritize your day to begin it with the one who can make your day a smashing success, you are making a brilliant strategic choice! God longs for you to succeed and has the power and wisdom to cause your day to be on a perfect course towards his blessing!

I like to think of priorities as first things first, second things second, and third things third! Sometimes it is helpful to remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life. If you have not prioritized your life correctly in the past, don’t allow what’s behind you to deprive you of what God wants to accomplish today! The price of your future is your present! As one who made a significant mark in history, Martin Luther said, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”  Martin Luther knew that God was the source of true success and significance and that spending time with him was of utmost importance.

I believe that this Encouraging Note may be tugging at your heart today! I believe today is your day to renew your commitment to keeping your priorities in order. Just like Martin Luther, Putting God first in your life is what will cause you also to make a substantial mark in your generation! Know that I am praying for you and believing that you will be encouraged to set your priorities in order so that God’s wisdom, understanding, and purpose will flow through you. Yes, may today be an incredible, purposeful, and successful day as you prioritize your day, putting…

First Things First