The Revelation of Circumcision

A hilarious event took place when I was 12 years old. I had just recently given my life to the Lord and was passionate about doing what was right. I grew up pretty sheltered and didn’t know about many things –especially circumcision. But of course, in my passion for being a good young Christian, and despite my ignorance, I coerced my whole family to sit down while I preached to them about this divine subject. Though I had no idea what circumcision meant, I proceeded to teach them its importance. Soon they realized I knew nothing about what circumcision actually meant, and it became all my family could do not to break out in total laughter. For some time, they were able to keep their composure, but soon, it was too much, and everybody busted out laughing. In an effort to encourage me, they told me I did a great job. And in my ignorance, I thought everything went quite well. I really had no idea!

Little did I know at that time how essential this idea of circumcision was! In the Bible, the flesh is depicted as the part of us the devil uses to get us off track and into an existence that does not experience God’s abundant life. Trying to restrain the flesh is like trying to restrain the wind; the more we try, the more we become graphically disappointed in our failings.


In the Bible, they would circumcise on the eighth day, which later was proven to be the best day for a baby to be circumcised. Two clotting agents need to be present so the baby does not bleed to death – the first is vitamin K in the second is prothrombin. On the eighth day, the baby’s nerve endings are not yet fully developed, and those two clotting agents are at their highest since the baby was born.

Interestingly, the eighth day in the word of God speaks of “New Beginnings.” And so circumcision also speaks of “New Beginnings.” During Bible times, only the Jews were circumcised because it was an outward declaration that they were God’s chosen people – those who lived in a binding covenant with the God of the universe. The Jews were and are God’s chosen people, but now a new standard from God has been revealed.

Romans 2:28-29 A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise is not from men but from God. 

Becoming a part of God’s family is not something a person can attain through works; it is an act of God within us and is received by faith. You cannot subdue your fleshly nature enough to come to God; this is a supernatural work that God accomplished through Jesus Christ at the cross! Those whose eyes are opened to what Christ did at the cross and are willing to receive it will experience a new beginning in their life!

2Cor 5:17-19  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them.

Those who believe are circumcised in their heart by the Holy Spirit. This removes the power of the flesh to control the believer and gives them access to a life of intimacy with God. Becoming a child of God is no longer about an outward circumcision but rather a circumcision of the heart. Those who believe are able to receive the righteousness of God himself and the ability to live free from the bondage of fleshly ways through his grace.

As I write this today, I am thinking about a new beginning for you. Today I am praying that God will grant you a greater revelation of who you are in Christ and of your perfect standing with God through the blood of Jesus! I believe God is wanting to spark something brand-new inside you! Oh yes! The lights are coming on in a new way, and you are stepping into a new beginning through… 

The Revelation of Circumcision

Encouraging Notes