Hear What's on Your Heart

Do you know that God loves it when you talk to him? Do you know that he wants to hear what’s on your heart? What an amazing and wonderful God we serve! He loves us more than we will ever know and is more kind and forgiving than we have ever conceived!

Even though God is so wonderful, many hide from Him. False religion has blinded the minds of many and caused them to perceive him as angry and mean. Often people will go to church and do good deeds because they are trying to earn God’s favor. Many don’t want to pray or say too much to God because they think they don’t deserve his listening ear, while the opposite is true! He most definitely wants to hear from you! Not only does he want to hear from you, but he cares about everything you say – yes, he cares about everything in your entire life.

When you come to God and confess your sin (own up to your sin), trusting the blood of Jesus to make you pure and right, your conscience is cleared, and you can stand before God free from accusation and guilt. The Bible says that under the old covenant, the blood of bulls and goats was continually offered but never able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. (Heb 9:9) But now, through the blood of Jesus, you can come to God with confidence.

Hebrews 4:16  Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Not only does God want you to come to him with a heart assured of his love and acceptance, but he wants to have a relationship with you. Wow! The only thing that can separate you from God is your own conscience. Thankfully, when you come to him with an honest heart and confess your sin, your conscience is cleared, and you can have fellowship with him again.

Psalm 66:18  If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;

1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Ps 35:15  The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry.

God exceeds the terms “wonderful,” “loving,” and “ forgiving!” There is no way to describe how good he really is! There is no way to express his passion for you and how much he longs to show you his goodness and complete salvation! Letting go and trusting his provision alone is difficult because we gravitate towards being in control of our own lives and our own righteousness. But true freedom and joy are found in trusting God completely!

May your hope and trust be in God today! He has paid for all of your failures and mistakes and therefore longs for you to come into his presence with confidence and assurance! My dearest friend, you can be wholly confident that he is absolutely in love with you today! You may not be able to grasp this fully, but you truly are God’s dream come true! Yes! You are everything he has ever wanted! Wow! How beautiful!

Today is your day to approach God with confidence! Leave all self-righteousness behind! Put the whole weight of your trust in his free gift of righteousness granted to you through the sacrifice of Jesus! Make sure that you take the most necessary steps of honesty and confession so that your conscience can be clear; this will give you the assurance that he is there waiting to enjoy your fellowship and…

Hear What’s on Your Heart

Encouraging Notes