I don't know about you, but I never shoot to miss a target on purpose! A person may shoot a halfhearted shot but inwardly they still want it to hit the mark. Hitting the mark in life; knowing your purpose and fulfilling it, is a task worthy of your greatest effort! This is where casual doesn't fit in! You don't want to hit somewhere near the target but live right, smack-dab in the center of your life purpose. Fulfilling one's destiny and living one's calling is something only a few attain to and is worth your most passionate effort. 

What has God called you to do? Greatness is not an accident – greatness is something that is possessed on the inside before it can ever be manifested on the outside!

Heb 12:1 Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

It is the little things in life that make the difference! Someone once said, “Show me your daily habits and I will show you your future! It’s the little things that you do every day, consistently that will determine the greatness of your future! Mike Murdock says, “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” There are so many things trying to keep you from greatness, there are so many distractions; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, hobbies and the like! 

Maybe today is your day for a rigorous, meticulous look at your life’s target. Do you know where you're headed – is your target clearly defined? You must be sure of what you want to hit before bullseye is a possibility. Today is your day to consider carefully what you are aiming at in life and then to run with confidence towards that goal! 

My declaration over you today is that every fear is destroyed and every vision is lifted high! May you experience the power of God's grace upon you and may the joy of the Lord be your strength! Today is your day! It's your time to live in and fulfill your purpose! It is time for you to be all God created you to be! It's time to…


Arthur Wilder