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There is a place where you can go that can significantly increase the leading of the Spirit of God in your life. After Jesus did this, he was empowered with supernatural discernment to know who his twelve disciples were. Take a look…

Luke 6:12-13 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: 

During this powerful time of prayer, Jesus heard the will of his Father and immediately went and chose those who would be eternally known as the 12 apostles. Sometimes people think that prayer moves the heart of God but it is the heart of man that is changed during prayer and opened up to the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

When we pray in faith, we open ourselves up to God’s heart and consequently hear his Spirit more clearly. It is interesting that we have no record of Jesus teaching his disciples to preach, but several records of him teaching them to pray. 

Intimacy with God through prayer is the secret to the life of God’s power! Someone once said, “The secret to all failure is the failure to pray in secret." It is not just about knowing what we should do, it is knowing when and how we should do it; this only comes from the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray. Luke 5:16  If he, being the son of God needed to pray, how much more so you and I? Are you ready for more? Your prayer closet is calling… And I think it's time to…


Arthur Wilder