What a crazy season the world is in right now; what an amazing opportunity for the body of Christ! When God is getting ready to do something great, he will urge his people to cleanse and set themselves apart unto himself, in preparation. Great things are getting ready to happen and I know God wants you to be right in the middle of it! It is essential for you to be consistently renewing your mind with the grace and love of God that is granted to you through the blood of Jesus! The day of his power is at hand! Daniel said, “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Dan 11:32 (KJV)
Joshua 3:5 Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.”
God is not a respecter of persons; it is those who have an intimate relationship with God, who know him, that will walk in his power and do great exploits! He wants his eternal glory to flow through you! Renewing your mind with the love and grace of God will prepare you for God's great plan to be released through you! It is of utmost importance that we train ourselves to think God’s thoughts! Sometimes people construe God to be one who only uses people with great gifting and talent. This notion is far from the truth! God uses those who are humble enough to believe him and to receive his love!
It's time to get ready for what's coming! Today is your day to humbly receive; it’s your day to go deeper into the love of God! This simple act of faith will be the key to unlock an amazing future for you… and this is true preparation! Soaking in God’s love is what he wants for you and is what will get you ready for the exciting things ahead! Hopefully, these words ring true inside of you! May this be the day for you to be encouraged and empowered to…