You may know this guy! He's trying to lose weight. He exercises a few times a week and is trying to eat a little healthier. After time goes on and months pass, he begins to realize he's not losing much weight and decides to start exercising four times a week. Because of his increased exercise, of course he must have a little more caloric intake. Now, because he is still not losing weight, he intensifies his workout regime to five times a week, and still finds no success. Sound familiar? What's the problem? He doesn't have all the facts! Losing weight doesn't happen with exercise alone, but rather through a comprehensive diet and lifestyle change, mind change and yes – exercise.
It’s interesting how much this parallels Christianity. Many think that they can go to church, read their Bible or pray once in a while, and they will be successful as a Christian. Unfortunately, this is not true! Successful Christianity happens when there is a complete lifestyle change. A half-hearted diet and exercise program don’t produce very good results, and so it is with God! When God becomes your reason for living, success on another dimension will be your destiny! Any person who will completely entrust their self to the master trainer, Jesus Christ, will experience not only victory but a piece of heaven on earth! Consider these words of Jesus:
If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. Mark 8:35 (NLT)
In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33 (NIV84)
God longs for you to prosper! He knows that real prosperity can only be experienced through him. The more you receive his love for you and trust in his provision for your righteousness, the more you will step into the abundant life he longs for you to have!
Just as losing weight and being physically fit needs a comprehensive outlook, so trusting God and his complete provision for you through Jesus Christ is the only way to live heaven’s abundant life! Trying to hold on to what feels good from this world ends up in graphic disappointment, but giving up this world for the purpose of Christ is…
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